

Are you being bullied or are you in 'strength' training?

Romans 5:3-5 (TLB)  "We can rejoice....when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."

Have you ever noticed how competitors in a race (or any other sport) gain the ability to endure the event? Individuals who compete have a different type of gear they maintain-than those who casually go out to chase the dog when it runs away. In fact there is some serious adrenaline involved. Individuals who seriously compete get in the feel of what they want to accomplish. They often do not realize any other competitors' existence other than their own. 

An example of a trained competitor is the widely noted golfer-Tiger Woods. Tiger is an accomplished golfer today because his father taught him some skills that maintains his repeated level of success. The only time recently when we have not seen Tiger as successful is when his attentions were diverted by known paparazzi who probably had no idea what this man was made of. If you watch him carefully, before Tiger EVER addresses the ball, he stands back and observes every angle of the course from the position where he stands. He may walk up to address the ball, but will suddenly step back to rethink his next swing. If someone yells at him in the middle of his address, for the most part, he has learned to totally focus on the actual movements he needs to make to get the ball where it needs to go. Having calculated how that ball should arrive where he wants it to go, at the point of contact he follows through on his swing. He immediately steps back to follow that ball visually where it 'should' be. Amazingly enough, it doesn't always get there; but for the most part, he is comfortable with his swing.

While the game of golf is known to be a highly competitive sport, 'playing' golf is only known to be a competition against ones' self. Dr. Bob Rotella said in an article from the Golf Digest "Players who play to play great understand that good can be the enemy of great. They know that if they get too concerned about not being bad, they might not free themselves up enough to be great. They don't care very much about making cuts or top-20 finishes. They play to win." 

And we should too! Sometimes we don't realize when someone is competing with us when suddenly we realize this behavior from individuals that requires us to "react in self defense". Today, there is a lot of education about the topic of bullying. Bullying in school, bullying in the office, bullying in the home, bullying in the media, Cyber-bullying, bullying in organizations, bullying. It used to be if you were a bully, the teacher took you outside of the classroom and you got whacked. It used to be if you bullied a family member, you got a whippin'. It used to be that if you were stalked, someone's brother was out to bust that person up. It was a guaranteed spanking for you, no matter who did it. But what does it accomplish? Immediately it only stops the person in their tracks. Then they figure out how to 'get away with it' behind closed doors or in private. No, they have learned nothing. They have only learned to be more prestigious at their game and do it with a pat on the back! "At a boy! That's what we taught you to do!"

Wow! Jesus did the same thing and in His Father's Presence! In the Presence of all the saints and angels of Heaven. But it was not called Bullying! He ran the race with patience! One might say "Didn't he defend himself?" Oh, in the beginning he spoke up. He tore up the temple in defense of His Father. He came down on the Pharisees and Sadducees when he had to reprove their scriptural knowledge. He even showed them up when they thought he would have to be taken by force for his death. The critical thing of it is, JESUS paid the price. You do not have to! So if Jesus PAID the price of bullying, you should be able to stand up against the wiles of the Devil and put the Devil in his place.

Now some may choose to literally fight back with words. But what is the ultimate plan for your bully? Yes, yes....I can see Letterman's Top Ten on the TV screen now! NO! God's number one player in the book of "How to handle bullies" says "Count it ALL joy....because the trying of your faith worketh patience...that you may be PERFECT, entire, WANTING NOTHING!" 

So what DOES one do when they are being bullied? Well back to our man, Tiger. I don't know that Tiger fasts and prays...(although its a sale based on his slenderness). No...Here is what he does, much like some of the description of the Fruit of the Spirit). When you think about it, even though Tiger is not devout believer in anything other than himself, this below is what makes his game kick!
  1. He is focused on HIS fairway, his boundaries, and his strength level. (Love)
  2. He stands back to observe all perspectives of the fairway he is in.(Joy)
  3. He carefully plans the balls' flight and landing (Peace)
  4. He plans his swing (Self-Control)
  5. He positions his footing (Goodness)
  6. He makes his swing (Faithfulness)
  7. He follows the ball to where he wanted it to land. (Meekness)
For those of you Biblical Scholars who are missing Gentleness and Kindness, its all in the mix of playing well with others! So, you wanna fight a bully? Go ahead, but your bully needs the Lord! Remember, God's models of strength training are better!